In February this year, we were delighted to be invited to play to the National Association of Brass Band Conductors (NABBC) at their convention near Lincoln. We had been invited prior to our Blackpool success, but coming so soon after Blackpool made it particularly special. We were able to show them what a top class youth band can do, and they were very impressed indeed with our performance. Our Trombone choir also performed, and again, the audience was blown away by our standard. There were some very well-known conductors in the audience, including none other than Major Peter Parkes. He actually took the baton for Sarah's solo, and took some time afterwards to congratulate both her & the band. Several members of the audience quizzed various band members about how the band works, how they came to be musicians, and what their future plans are. We closed our show with "Call of the Cossacks", and actually received a standing ovation! To receive this from such a distinguished and highly knowledgeable audience was something very special indeed!