See below a collection of articles published in local and national news outlets, as well as articles in the banding press.

4barsrest is a very well-known (within banding circles!) online magazine about all things brass, but especially contesting. There are reports about all the major contests, including youth contests. 4barsest usually have a live report from all the big contests, so you can follow exactly what's going on. Here are some links going back a few years where Youth Brass 2000 gets a mention.


National Youth Championships 2017 

Butlins Mineworkers' (Youth Section) 2017


National Youth Championship 2016

Butlins Mineworkers' (Youth Section) 2016

National Youth Brass band Entertainment (Blackpool) 2016

Brass at the Guild (Preston) 2016

European Brass Band Championships - European Youth Contest 2016


European Brass Band Championship - European Youth Contest 2015

British Open Youth Championships (Preston) 2015

National Youth Championships 2015

National Youth Championships 2015 - a retrospective