Online Essential Details Form
Like any club or group, there is a certain amount of information we need about you. This is particularly important with our young players as each time they perform with the band, they need a licence under the Child Performance and Activities Regulations. Licences are issued by the County Education Authority in whose area the performance takes place, and we need certain information about you to enable us to apply. We also need other information such as any medical conditions we need to be aware of to enable us to keep you safe during trips, along with emergency alternative contact details.
We also need you to sign up to our Code of Conduct, and we need your permission to be able to include you in our photo gallery.
All this information is contained in a "one stop" online form which we need completing please. This process ensures your data is transferred to us securely, which is then safely stored in an encrypted format. Click here to access the online form - it works well on PCs, tablets and phones. If you have any queries about this process, please contact the band's Administration Manager.
The only paper form we invite you to complete is our Gift Aid form, which is available below. Many thanks.