Following our concert on Sat Feb 3rd 2008, we went back to Leics Grammar School the next day for our Masterclass. Our morning session was to be held as a band under the baton of the incomparable Mr Richard Evans, who was going to see what he could do with us to improve our Blackpool performance. Then it would be lunch, and in the afternoon we would break up into sectionals with various high-profile tutors. The day - or rather evening by now - came to a close with another concert. This concert was a bit special, as we could include all the things that we had learnt from our tutors during the day. A fantastic day, and something to remember for a long time. Our thanks must go to Don for all his hard work in organising it, and to the various other parents & helpers who made the day such a success. Here are a few pics of the day in progress.....