Following our huge success at Tameside, very shortly afterwards we had been engaged to perform at Kettering Parish Church. This is the very big church in the centre of Kettering. Unfortunately, big though it is, the pews come right to the front of the church, which meant that we were very squashed! We all managed to fit in though, for what turned out to be a very good concert.

This concert prompted a letter in the local evening newspaper - scroll to the bottom to see it.

"Brass Band a Real Treat"

"Being an ardent brass band  enthusiast, I had the pleasure of attending a concert by Youth Brass 2000 at Kettering Parish Church last Saturday evening in aid of Cransley Hospice. What a great performance they gave under the direction of their conductor Peter Collins.  To hear these youngsters all under the age of 19 playing to a very high standard was a delight to listen to.  Thank you for a wonderful evening of music for a very deserving cause.  It is great to give praise due to these young musicians who are a credit to their age and the brass band movement."

Cllr Peter Bettles, Burton Latimer