This year, our European Tour took us to the Koblenz/Boppard area of Germany. We stayed in a hotel right next to the river Rhine, just outside Koblenz. The scenery was amazing, but the weather wasn't too kind unfortunately! We performed several concerts around Koblenz, one was in a big castle high above the river. We also performed in the "Phantasialand" theme park, where the rain poured down during our show. Luckily we were under cover, so we didn't get wet. It didn't do much for audience numbers though, as they all ran for cover when the downpour started! Once the concert was over, we had the run of the theme park for the rest of the day, which was brilliant! During our tour, we also enjoyed bowling, a boat trip down the river, and a ride in 2 seater cable cars! We certainly packed a lot into that week!